IT and Me

I used to write blogs, mostly just self-absorbed blurbs, from MySpace to Multiply. Then the advent of microblogging like Twitter and Facebook followed. A single post or status is a diary of your every second of existence here on Earth. Entries from whining, angst, anger and irritation pop-up, it varies and could be the hot topic amongst friends or frenemies. Name it, communicating what you feel, do and even dreams are now easily done by just twitting. However, this is about blogging and of Information Technology to be particular. Our dashing professor, Mr. John Lorenz Belanio, made this an assignment during our holiday break, I asked my ever-helpful classmates and this is a personal piece, we could customize it whatever I like, I used to be an article writer for Market Ease, however I know I’m not good at the job, thus I was given the assistant post to the client manager months after. So here it goes.

Information technology is basically a tool and process to efficiently and effectively communicate information vital to daily need and operation of an individual or an organization with the use of modern technology. For myself, what comes to mind are internet connection, e-mail, social-media, blogs, apps, even the classic Microsoft Word, but I know I haven’t scratch the surface of IT yet. I know for a fact, without the aid of computers I couldn’t write a single entry. Gone are the days of typewriters and my handwriting is so bad, if I write on a piece of paper for more than 5 minutes, I can feel pain, sort of a carpal tunnel syndrome. The same with computing, without the aid of calculators, it would take me more than a minute to solve a numerical question, I am hopeless without these devices. In a way, I became dependent of these tools; a computer with keyboard for typing, a calculator for computing, and a phone for texting or calling. These are essentials to me, like clothes and a shelter. Without IT, I’m not sure how I could have gotten to this point.

Also worth mentioning is finding a significant someone over the internet, it’s easier, just drop a “hi!” and the rest will be history.

When I was working at ABE International Business College – Bacolod, as a School Director, we had one IT personnel in our branch. He is the youngest among the staff. I remember, his main function is to make sure consistent internet connectivity in all computer units in the campus. I remember, our admission assistant and cashier would always complain of slow connectivity, and we can hear the IT guy playing online games, the heavy ones, we know it consumes a lot of our bandwidth. One time, one faculty member asked for his assistance to connect the projector in the classroom, which he refused and she saw him just playing on his desk, his attention was called by the HR supervisor, but he was not even given any sanction. We became independent from him since. As for the upgrade to the current system to Oracle, as he has no clue as well, we have to rely on every department’s instructions and if there is no internet connectivity, we would all be happy to report no connection in our end. I find the system backward, no back-up, and to think we came from the pioneer of IT education. But this is more into the lack of motivation of the workforce, a system that they had been used to, and new employees who happen to try to change it are not paid a single attention. I remember, my immediate superior saying to me, “we have a culture” he is referring to the head office, and I just give up in the end. A decision I am happy to do.

IT influenced me on how I do my work and how I handle stuff. From ideas to solving clutters, a tool is always readily available to help me. It has basically given me the opportunity to do things faster and save time.

Recently, I’ve been using the internet more often as I normally would due to relationship issue, it’s like a total contradiction of what the purpose of IT should be my special one is not replying or even acknowledging my presence. I think I have choked him with sweet nothings I can remember in every second of the day. It’s better to do it actual; my point here is the room for misunderstandings. Written words sometimes don’t have that emotion or tone especially for a reader who can’t read between the lines. Not given, the writer is not good at writing, however, most cases for emotional outburst its better said on the face than on mobile.

Mobility is the key of IT now a days, it should be portable and always on the go. If you’re with a multinational company, I observed when I was with Ecolab; we are issued a laptop with touchscreen capabilities and a pen where our clients can sign on the screen. And all data are standardized, due to ISO certified operation system. Everything is a click of a button, from the diagnosis, prognosis to the solution made. Due to the sophisticated encoding, data are easily gathered, especially when you need to do presentation, from level of sales to quality output. However, the only downside is, if no internet connectivity, you can’t get to upload your report to the area director and to the concerned departments in the head office, as it includes how much supply left or recommended to have when you check the facility of the client.

In conclusion, IT had been part of me since as far as I can remember, from the mechanical tools to the advance devices we use that requires energy and internet connectivity to fully enjoy the features, these are constant in our lives now, just like change is. IT is ever evolving, adapting to the needs and wants of the times. Innovative material things that would definitely be appreciated by a certain market on their daily needs or operation of a specific industry, this and all other potentials, as IT is now as important as hiring an extra hand. No, not only an extra hand, but the hand, the essential and the important harmonizing factor to complete your universe.